
[Concientious objectors and civilian service in Germany

Lee, Jae Seung

[Concientious objectors and civilian service in Germany

Seoul;Bonn, 2007

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Working Korea 2007

Working Korea 2007

Seoul, 2007, 2008

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Revitalization strategy of labor movements

Revitalization strategy of labor movements

Seoul, 2007, 2008

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[Development Cooperation, Government, ODA and NGOs

Reuke, Ludger

[Development Cooperation, Government, ODA and NGOs

legislative bills in Korea and situation in Germany
Seoul, 2007, 2008

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Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, Regierungen, ODA und NGOs

Reuke, Ludger

Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, Regierungen, ODA und NGOs

die Gesetzesvorhaben in Korea und die Situation in Deutschland , Referat im Rahmen des Experten Workshops [...] "Deutsche ODA und ODA Monitoring" Seoul, 11. Juni 2007
Seoul, 2007, 2008

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[Grand Koalition

Koo, Choon Kweon

[Grand Koalition

review and future prospects in Germany
Seoul;Bonn, 2007

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[A priority agenda for the next UN secretary-general

Weiss, Thomas G.; Hoffman, Peter J.

[A priority agenda for the next UN secretary-general

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The market crisis and restructuring of South Korea's media

Lee, Jae-kyoung

The market crisis and restructuring of South Korea's media

a situation report, Spring, 1998

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Die Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zwischen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik 1949 - 1989

Gey, Peter

Die Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zwischen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik 1949 - 1989

Seoul, 2003

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Gießmann, Hans-Joachim

Multilateral regional security

OSCE experiences and lessons
Seoul, 2003

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