
Germany's economy

Dauderstädt, Michael

Germany's economy

domestic laggard and export miracle
Seoul, 2013

자료 다운로드 (780 KB, PDF-File)

Socially just, sustainable and dynamic growth for a good society: A case study for Korea

Socially just, sustainable and dynamic growth for a good society: A case study for Korea

Seoul, 2013

자료 다운로드 (770 KB, PDF-File)

The birth of social election in South Korea

Chang, Dukjin; Bae, Young

The birth of social election in South Korea

2010 - 2012
Seoul;Berlin, 2012

자료 다운로드 (300 KB, PDF-File)

[Internal unity after German unification

Schmidt-Gödelitz, Axel

[Internal unity after German unification

successes, challenges, perspectives
Seoul, 2012

자료 다운로드 (630 KB, PDF-File)

[European debt ceiling

Schrooten, Mechthild

[European debt ceiling

disciplining of state budgets or limitation of fiscal policy?
Seoul, 2012

자료 다운로드 (630 KB, PDF-File)

[Änderung und Reorganisation des Parteisystems in Deutschland

Shin, Doo Chul

[Änderung und Reorganisation des Parteisystems in Deutschland

Seoul, 2012

자료 다운로드 (650 KB, PDF-File)

[The EU debt crisis

Ahn, Doo-Soon

[The EU debt crisis

structural problems and solutions
Seoul, 2012

자료 다운로드 (650 KB, PDF-File)

[Protest gegen das "Stuttgart 21"-Bahnhofsprojekt

Shin, Jin Wook

[Protest gegen das "Stuttgart 21"-Bahnhofsprojekt

Herausforderung der Zivilgesellschaft für die institutionelle Politik
Seoul, 2011

자료 다운로드 (670 KB, PDF-File)

[Das Verfahren der Zulassung von Schulbüchern in Deutschland]

Woidt, Hans

[Das Verfahren der Zulassung von Schulbüchern in Deutschland]

Seoul, 2011

자료 다운로드 (680 KB, PDF-File)

[Integration of refugees from the former GDR into the Federal Republic of Germany untill the fall of Berlin Wall

Huh, Joon Young

[Integration of refugees from the former GDR into the Federal Republic of Germany untill the fall of Berlin Wall

Seoul, 2011

자료 다운로드 (640 KB, PDF-File)

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